Batik Motifs

Batik means write the symbol of dots or flowers above the surface of cloth. Batik comes from word ‘mba’ (Javanese) means write and ‘titik-titik’ (Indonesia). Batik is an art that’s drawn above clothes which becomes culture of kings. [7]
Batik is one of many small industries which have been developed since decades ago. Almost all places in the world which is produce batik have its own batik motif, but the motif is just around the traditional local motif. Therefore, the making of universal motif has a meaning for the batik itself.

Because of this product quite depends on consumer want, so that the development of motif, variation of motif, and model are very important.
Batik has more value than other kind of cloth because of its philosophy, the symbol and the relationship between the user statuses. Batik has its own heart that makes live, not only stuff that is dying. Batik is still alive and it’s alive and it’s known as a masterpiece which is used in every occasion.
Motif is a material which is used in process of drawing batik. Based on shape, motifs is divided into two main shape, those are: (1) geometric, in which there are many looping about line, shape etc; (2) non geometric, in which there are very rare looping even no loop in this motif, usually human and plant or animal becomes the model of this motif. [7]

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What is esthetics?

Esthetics is something that is difficult to describe. Esthetics is sometimes explained by its component like suitableness and wellness. Generally, measuring the esthetic is subjectively. The measurement depends on the measurer itself. Sometime, one man said that it is beautiful but the other said that is not beautiful. [10]

Fechner found that why people love only something that is beautiful. Fechner concluded that the reason that people like something was because of colors, taste, shape, music, and geometric shape like curve and line. Fechner found that people understood esthetic by it geometric shape. It makes comfortable, interesting and fun. Art psycho-log measured the masterpiece by that way. [3]
In the painting art, the most important thing is combination between line, colors, volume, and all elements which are increasing esthetics feeling. Ducasse said that there are two important elements that are included a thing, those are shape and volume. Shape is being considered into line, color and music that make the viewer happy esthetically. [3]


[3] G. Berys, The Ethical Criticism of Art, Aesthetics and Ethics, edited by Jerrold Levinson, 182-203, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1998.

[10] Rob van gerwen. Philosophy of art, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 43:171–188, 2000.

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